
Work in progress at home bagel recipe. It will take about 2½ hours total.

Preparing for the Unexpected

I presented my talk at QCon London this week.

QCon London in 2020

I’m going to be speaking at this years QCon London! Super exciting and nerve racking all at the same time as it’ll be my first time presenting at a confrence.

Harry Roberts on From Milliseconds to Millions

A Look at the Numbers Powering Web Performance

Supporting our systems through incident workshops

Setting up Firefox for privacy

Here’s how to setup Firefox on your desktop on or Android to better guard your privacy while browsing the web.

Let’s build a box!

I’ve joined a course run by Blackhorse Workshop to learn the basics of joinery and powertools.

Let’s have a bash at Bash

This is going to be really fun. It’ll be like going back in time forty years. We’ll be using websites with litterally no CSS.

Building a Bird Box

Today I built a bird box over in Blackhorse Workshop with a friend from work.

Heroku from Scratch

ℹ️ This post is for an internal workshop at the Financial Times.